How To Do More That Matters

You, dear reader, are a creative thinker. You are a future-focused, forward-thinking, problem-solving, creative brain.

You are curious, (I am downright nosy sometimes), intelligent and thoughtful.

You want the best for your family, your children - if you really admit it, you want the best for yourself too. (and that's a good thing)

You, secretly, want to earn more money and do fun things with that money.

And probably good things, too.

And you want to do more for other people. People you know, or people you have never met.

You want to make a difference.

How do I know all this about you? Because you are here, and reading this.

Because you want to make your life better, be more awesome, and do something that MATTERS.

Having the inclination, the will to do something that really matters is a powerful one, but can also, ultimately, be a frustrating one, if you have absolutely no idea what to do. And even if we did, when the hell would we have the time or resources to do anything about it?

And that’s where the will can swiftly turn into the ‘can’t’ and then the ‘won’t’.

But there are some steps to take to be able to help.

  1. Create space in your brain

    Allow yourself the gift of time. Use the tools you have available to create that space - journal-ling is incredible for getting your ideas out onto 'paper’ (tangible or digital), meditate, go for a long walk - let your brain just ‘be’ for a while, rather than ‘doing’ all the time.

    I block out a morning, once a week, where I deliberately have nothing booked. I allow myself the time to write, or to take a long walk, or watch a film - something to stop my brain ‘doing’, and allow the air in. Let the creative flow.

    It isn’t a luxury for me - if I don’t do it, my brain and my business suffer. It is a wonderful necessity.

  2. Get clear on your purpose

    Easier said than done, I know. But we aren’t talking about your Big Why here. Small steps of goodness and kindness lead ultimately to incredible things.

    Think of all the things that fire you up - good or bad - and make a note of what they are and why they trigger you.

    I often refer to this as the ‘DIY SOS-es’ - if you watch the TV programme, you will know what I mean - the bit at the end when Nick Knowles talks you through the reveal, and shows you all the people who took time out of their business, their week, their life, to help someone else who was having a tough time in theirs. And you get a bit weepy, and happy, and full of the milk of human kindness.

    Those moments. What are the good deeds that give you a visceral reaction. That’s where you will want to start.

  3. Let go of something you don’t need

    I don’t mean, clear out your cupboards, or donate your old clothes to charity (although you should do that too. It’s good for your soul, for the planet and for other people)

    I mean, think of what it is that stops you from taking a small step towards doing that thing that means something to you. Is it the fear that you won’t know what to do? Or that you won’t be able to deal with someone’s emotions? (doing good things is an emotional process. One you will have to get used to. Nicer problems to have) Or that you are worries about your own reactions?

    Dig a bit deeper. Find that thing that is holding you back.

    Decide if holding on to that fear is worth more to you, serves you more, than doing the thing that matters.

    What would happen if you do it? What would happen if you don’t. Which is worse?

  4. Create space in your life

    Yes. This is where I talk about time-blocking. Again. Snore.

    But this is the quickest, easiest, and most empowering way to get your priorities straight, your boundaries clear and healthy and get some time back in your week.

    We are so held back by our own beliefs about what we do and don’t have time for. What if we changed those beliefs? What if we prioritised the things that matter most? Made time to use the gifts we have been given, to give back to the world.

    That’s worth making time for.

  5. Trust yourself.

    You know more than you think you do. You know what feels right and what your gut would run away from if it had legs. You have all the power and resilience you need to do something magical that means something to you, and matters to the world.

    Go do it.


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