Compare-itis - the itchy, persistent rash on your subconscious

comparison comparisonitis

Comparison (n) The itchy, persistent rash that flares up when you approach the edge of your comfort zone, and prevents you from stepping out.

We can compare ourselves to others in a million different ways - each one as pointless and insidious as the next.

here’s why we shouldn’t bother

  1. they are always unfair

We typically compare the worst we think of ourselves with the best we presume about others. We compare ourselves at our lowest haven't-showered-didn't-sleep-well-us with our own perception of someone else's insta-worthy-polish.

2. they can’t be measured

So what’s the point? You can’t measure how much shinier, richer, more intelligent, more successful someone else is to you, so why waste your energy?

3. you are unique

Your gifts, talents and contributions are yours alone and therefore can never be usefully or effectively compared with anyone else's.

4. it puts the focus on the wrong person

You can only control the way you behave - so focus on yourself instead

5. it is futile

Comparison results in resentment and misery. It adds no value or fulfilment to our lives - it is futile and worthless

So how do we break free?

Where is the magic cream to stop the itching?

1. claim your own successes

Everything you have achieved is unique to you. Allow your achievements to motivate you to greater things.

2. Pursue the greater things

These are often hidden from sight - love, humility, empathy, selflessness - these attributes cannot be measured.

3. Be grateful

Recognise what you have and its value in your life. Keep a diary every evening of at least 3 things you are grateful for that day, they may be tiny moments but this is what makes up our daily lives.

4. Nobody is perfect

No-one leads a painless life, and the chances are you'll never know about the pain others are carrying with them.

5. change your surroundings

Get up, move around, take a walk - this will prompt a change in your thinking.

6. stop wasting your time…

However, learning from and being inspired by others can be a truly valuable experience.

Comparison is the thief of joy
— Theodore Roosevelt

Guilt - how to use it, and how to get over yourself


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