10 Signs You Are Upleveling

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You’re not where you want to be, but you’re ready to make it happen. You know its time to grow, but your brain is struggling with the potential impact.

It may be happening already. If your behaviour has been out-of-character recently, or you feel that everything is like wading through treacle - you may already be uplevelling. Upgrading yourself.

If you find yourself nodding along - you are probably in the throes of an uplevel

Sign 1 - Intense emotions

Every emotion seems multiplied - especially the negative ones. Your emotions are your internal GPS, and when you up-level, the signal in your GPS gets stronger and as a result, you experience emotions way more.  Our mind takes a while to catch up and be able to label the emotions we are feeling, and understand what is going on within you.

Sign 2 - you are sick and tired

Of being single, or broke, or of being sick and tired. Of staying where you are in your life, or your car or…. you get the idea.

You’ve found yourself saying you’re sick and tired of one thing in your life at least once a month. You are frustrated and even angry at everything - your circumstances, friends, environment, business and, yourself - for letting it get to this stage. At this point, you’re ready to take massive action.

You have a strong desire to change your life.  Something has started to shift, and that feeling can be unnerving.

When you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired, it’s time to take your first step because it means you’re ready.

Sign 3 - You feel stuck and small

Life isn’t bad - in fact, you’re grateful for so many things you have now. But you also know that there is more in the tank.

Being stuck in limbo, definitely operating above average, but you feel stuck where you are. You definitely don’t want to go back, but you can’t see how to get past where you are now and move on.

It’s important acknowledge that this feeling is a positive sign that you’re ready to make a move.

Journalling regularly can help unlock the ‘stuck’ - or speaking to someone who gets where you are can be the key to change. This could be a professional coach or just someone who has been where you are now.

Sign 4 - There are ‘Coincidences’ and opportunities everywhere

Getting a WhatsApp from someone you’ve just been thinking about. Turning on the radio to hear the song that’s been going round in your head, or stumbling on blog posts that speak directly to where you are right now (cooee!). The process of uplevelling can set your Spidey-Senses on fire.

It can feel very unnerving - but go with it. Lean in, and let the growing pains show you the way to go.    

Sign 5 - Less tolerance, and less in common with people

People you have been friends with or associated with for some time are somehow now bothering you. They haven’t changed, but even when they try to help, it starts to drive you nuts. Suddenly what they say or do bothers you. You find yourself distancing yourself from them - or they from you.

Sign 6 - Feeling lonely

Because your ‘old friends’ aren’t doing it for you, you start to isolate yourself.  You are dropping friends like flies because you get tired of feeling that weird resistance.  

You find yourself feeling lonely as a result, and wonder if it is just you.

You may also find that the only people who ‘get’ you, are online business friends you may never have set eyes on.

It’s totally normal. Breathe.

Sign 7 - You look EVERYWHERE for answers

You start looking for magic bullets - an answer to what the hell is going on. Embracing spirituality, looking for answers from the moon, astrology, or other signs from the Universe, or scrolling the internet for the one-stop-answer to all your questions.

Sign 8 - Doing things that don’t make sense

You start to run on instinct, and find yourself doing things without thinking.  You may even find that things that you used to love no longer give you pleasure. Cooking, or walking the dogs now frustrate you - going to the gym just makes you hungry for something more.

You may even start to hate the work you do - even if it is your ultimate passion and calling.

Your brain is searching for answers, so give it a break, go with the flow and don’t make any rash decisions….

Sign 9 - You start seeking out help to achieve your goals

The fact that you have ‘stumbled on’ this post, and have read this far should be a big blinking sign….

You are ready to make a change.

If you find yourself seeking out books or mentors, you’re ready to move on up. Making a decision to invest in yourself means there’s no turning back. You’re ready to uplevel your life.

“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear” - Buddha

If the signs above have sent chills through you - or you are nodding like the Churchill-dog…. you are starting the process of uplevelling.

Scary, unnerving, and totally necessary for personal and professional growth.

Breathe deep, lean in, and see where your uplevel takes you.

If you’d like some help taking yourself and your business to the right level - check out my services page here.


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