How to use comparison to grow yourself and your business


We have all heard the voices in our heads, when we are feeling low in confidence, or lacking in sleep. The mind monkeys having a party with our limits to put cracks in our mindset.

And a big ol’ crack appears when we start to compare ourselves to others.

In business, when you try to line yourself up against competitors, and aren’t feeling as expansive as you’d like - that comparison can stop you in your tracks completely.

If you find yourself:

  • compulsively checking your competitors’ social media accounts.

  • torturing yourself by mooning over their beautiful websites, sales pages and cracking offers (so good you are tempted to sign up yourself)

  • wondering ‘why aren’t I as successful?’

the chances are there is comparisonitis afoot.

As we know, comparison is to a large extent futile. But we do it anyway.

But used wisely, catching that comparison and playing on the advantages can actually help you grow your business.

How to make the most of your comparison

Here are my 9 steps to growing your way out of comparison

  1. Pick a competitor. You’ll know the one you need to start with. The one that triggers your insecurities most. Start there. It’ll get easier.

  2. Write a list of all their strengths - check out their LinkedIn profile for an easy win.

    1. What do they do and excel at?

    2. What experience do they have

    3. What qualifications?

    4. What are their business goals, mission and values?

    5. What are they offering?

  3. Write a list of your own. Again, use your LinkedIn profile to remind yourself - and get them ALL down - even ones you don’t think you use

  4. With a marker - circle all your similarities. This is a useful reminder of your skills and can be used in some juicy social media content. (for example - I’m a qualified solicitor. I haven’t practiced in years, but I use the skills daily)

  5. With a different marker - mark the differences.

  6. Where they have skills and qualifications you don’t - ask yourself if you need them to grow your business and serve your clients? If no, bless and release the differences (you could even think about a strategic alliance in the future)

  7. Where they have ones that trigger your comparison - do something about them. If it’s additional study, set aside 15 minutes every day in the morning to read a book or do some self study. Where it is a qualification you’d like, plan it into your 12 month strategy, so you can budget for it. (Make sure you tell your network/audience when you do it - people love to work with those who want to better themselves, and they will celebrate your achievements with you)

  8. If the skill is something you do need - and would like to use quickly - consider hiring a specialist to cover this knowledge gap until you are fully trained.

  9. Where you have skills or qualifications that they don’t - shout about them! This is your USP! Make the most of your differences and use this to celebrate your own achievements.

Doing a mini-SWOT analysis on your competitors will help you out of comparison and be able to celebrate yourself, your business and your own growth.


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