How to set new team leaders up for success

team members coming together

As the world of work has opened up, and the talent race is on, how quickly are you able to onboard and upskill your new senior hires?


You know how to hire well, and you’ve worked hard to make the benefits package competitive, but you also know that it takes time for any new hire to find their feet and make their mark on their new team.


And with the flow of project work quicker than ever at the moment, it’s fundamental that the team is able to get up to peak performance as quickly as possible. 


There’s an inevitable gap of at least a month, if not two, before they are properly up to speed on the systems and processes, so you have plans in place to help:

·       a team lunch before they start

·       an email full of logistics for their first day

·       you’ve ordered them a laptop, mobile phone, company credit card and booked their ergo assessment

·       booked them into introductory sessions on company strategy, vision and values

·       assigned them an onboarding buddy

·       introduced the with key stakeholders

·       booked training on your systems and processes, budgeting system and how the coffee machine works


But is that enough?

You all want this new hire to work, and be able to be productive and impactful as quickly as possible, but have you thought about the people-side of onboarding?

And what happens if the new hire doesn’t fit in? How quickly will they look to leave, putting you back at square one?

Integrate, don’t onboard

As well as the logistics, systems and processes, have you considered how the changes in the team impact the team dynamic?


Personnel changes within a team are unsettling for all concerned – perhaps they really liked the outgoing manager, and are worried about how they will get on with the new ‘guy’.
Or maybe they really didn’t, and they still feel burned by the whole process.


Team morale could well be lower than they are letting on, and whilst the new person is getting up to speed, the rest of the team still need to deliver. Do they feel that there’s ‘no point’ in performing at their best because the incoming person will ‘only change everything anyway’? Or are they a younger/less experienced team and need guidance that the new hire doesn’t yet feel completely comfortable providing until they feel they have their feet under the right table?

What if the new senior hire is younger than the outgoing manager? How will they be received?

Getting your new hire to feel like an integral part of the organisation as quickly as possible will help alleviate issues for them as well as the team.

Noone can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it
— H.E. Luccock

The secret to integration

It’s proper communication.

Teams who communicate well, where every voice is heard, will develop greater relational trust, perform better, and more effectively under pressure, and will be able to pull together to deliver faster. And they’ll be happier and less stressed in the process. 


Creating an environment where each team member feels heard, and that their contribution is valued is the fastest way to allow teams to recalibrate after a new hire, and for the new manager to understand the dynamic of the team and organisation.

Using a methodology like the 5Voices will give your team the insight, understanding and tools to navigate not only the onboarding, but be able to perform better from here on out, and be happier and more motivated in the process.

How 5Voices Can help

Most people don’t know their leadership voice or how to use it. Some don’t know what it is, others are insecure in their voice and have been told it is unimportant, and others immaturely overuse their voice and dominate the airwaves.

The 5 Voices is designed to help every individual discover their leadership voice and be empowered to use it effectively.

We believe teams and whole organizations can be transformed when everyone operates securely in their own voice and learns to value the voices of others.

My team and I are offering a series of interactive, and immediately actionable workshops to help you build

  • Increased self awareness and confidence as each person discovers their Leadership Voice

  • Deeper relational trust

  • Greater collaboration

  • Honest conversations being the norm with fewer tensions and challenges

  • Richer and better decision making

  • Increased team performance

For more information, click here, or contact us to discuss how we can help your organisation get back up to speed quickly and efficiently, with happy, productive teams.

And if you’d like to take the free 5Voices assessment yourself, click here.


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