Choose joy, especially when it’s really hard to find

Pure unadulterated joy seems pretty low on the ground at the moment, doesn't it? Even a glimmer of it in this first week of 2023

We have the expectation every year, whether it's New Year's resolutions or being bombarded by people from the health and fitness industries to make this coming year our ‘best ever’.

The pressure is for everybody to be better, do better and achieve a list filled of goals. That 2022  was a disaster area and we have to smash this new year with these 12 blank chapters, lose 2 stone, go vegan, dry January etc...

When actually, we're all just doing the best we possibly can. 

We're all just winging it (and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying).

We are in a strange situation - post Covid, a looming recession, energy prices going through the roof, governmental instability and war. 

People are very worried about money. People are beginning to worry about their jobs. 

All this external pressure from everywhere else seems to really be hitting home and listening to other people's reflections of their year has become a bit of a toxic pastime. 

Because if you're not in a great place, listening to somebody else's victories, even if they've been tempered by some difficulties it  can set off a massive bout of comparison. 

Everybody else is doing better than I am. 

Everybody else is faring better than I am. 

It's all going to go to hell in a handcart - when actually there IS joy out there.

There is still joy in the simple things.  

There is still joy in taking a moment to be mindful. 

There is still joy in your personal life whether it's taking the dog out for a walk or a really good cup of coffee. 

Seeing a friend and being able to help them out.

Or in your professional life - actually having a great meeting with a client where you came out feeling pretty buoyant because you've solved the problem.

Or you came up with a great creative concept. 

Taking as much joy as you can out of those small things. 

Choosing to look for the joy means that you will find it more often than not. 

So if you're feeling that joy is a hard commodity to find, please know that you're not alone. 

But also know that it is out there. 

Look for the small things, because the small things are usually the important ones.


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