You’re capable of so much more
You have endless capacity
to show the world your genius
to help more people
to build the legacy you ache for
to earn more money than you can currently imagine
You are on the precipice of something truly great. But it’s wobbly up there, isn’t it?
You’ve got it all. You have the qualifications. You have the experience. You have a gang of loyal fans who can see what you have, but can’t access it - until you do.
And that’s the truth. What’s holding you back is YOU.
I’m sorry you are hurting.
I’ve been there too.
Hiding behind myself, staying invisible. Keeping busy. Too ‘busy’ to dig into why it hadn’t yet taken off for me, too ‘busy’ to dig deeper. Creating excuses, procrastinating, working all the hours but never getting the rewards - and then assuming it was because I wasn’t experienced enough, cheap enough, high end enough. Wasn’t enough, enough!
I loved to champion others, but side-stepped opportunities to let others shine
Putting up a front of being successful, but inside just feeling lost, overwhelmed. Numb. I was looking outside myself for answers - comparing myself to others, looking for the magic silver bullet, seeking validation from everyone around me.
But the answers are not outside us.
The answers to the problems I felt inside, were inside me.
And they are inside you too.